Wednesday, March 4, 2009

outdoor frolicing

love this curved swirly bench design and the fancy chandi is a must.

this chaise looks so intimate...would love to lounge here with hubby and have a romantic dinner

the added illusion of space that this trellis "in perspective" gives
is so interesting. and the hedge coffee tape gives
a fun light-hearted appeal!
the patterns are so graphic and the happy yellow
looks great with the chocolate brown
aren't these outdoor space lovely?!? would love to have one of my own...someday but for now i will dream of these. all images from one of my cherished favs and very greatly missed, domino magazine.

1 comment:

  1. sad day about domino for sure. didn't realize you could comment...of course :) these are inspiring for my "girls outdoor luncheon" i'm hosting tomorrow. HEART everything you post. you must be a designer :)
